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PTV TV Broadcasts

Enjoy recent tv broadcasts of Pathway to Victory. To unlock the full library of Pathway to Victory broadcasts, please consider becoming a Pathway Partner.

How Can I Know The Bible Is True? – Part 2

In Second Timothy, we read that “all Scripture is God-breathed.” But the Bible isn’t the only religious text that claims to be divinely inspired. So what makes it different from all the others? Dr. Robert Jeffress provides compelling evidence for why we can trust the claims of Scripture.

How Can I Know The Bible Is True? – Part 1

Just look at the colors in a summer sunset or a field of spring flowers and you can clearly see the fingerprints of a divine creator. But how can we be certain that this being is the God of Scripture and not some other religion? Dr. Robert Jeffress explains why we can believe what the Bible says about God.

How Can I Know Christianity Is the Right Religion?

In our pluralistic society, people from all walks of life are invited to participate in a multitude of different religions. And while we celebrate religious freedom and tolerance, not all beliefs are equally valid. Dr. Robert Jeffress addresses the common belief that there are multiple paths to God.

Radio Broadcasts

Enjoy recent radio broadcasts of Pathway to Victory. To unlock the full library of Pathway to Victory broadcasts, please consider becoming a Pathway Partner.

The Power Of A Positive Purpose

According to a recent survey, less than three percent of Americans have a clear understanding of their purpose. Yet purpose is the engine that drives everything we do in life. Dr. Robert Jeffress dives into the book of Philippians to ...

Outrageous Joy – Part 2

If joy is a choice—not a feeling—then how do we make a conscious decision to be joyful, regardless of what’s going on around us? Dr. Robert Jeffress turns to the book of Philippians for Paul’s four secrets to maintaining joy ...

Outrageous Joy – Part 1

The Declaration of Independence states that “all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” However, few people agree on what happiness ...

Pathway to Victory Daily Devotional

Read a devotion from Pathway To Victory each and every day.

Victory over Demons

This week, we’re going to discover five principles that Abraham’s servant Eliezer exercised in finding the right mate for Abraham’s son Isaac. These principles can help you, your children, and your grandchildren not only to find a mate but also to know God’s will for any area of life.

The Truth About Demon Possession

This week, we’re going to discover five principles that Abraham’s servant Eliezer exercised in finding the right mate for Abraham’s son Isaac. These principles can help you, your children, and your grandchildren not only to find a mate but also to know God’s will for any area of life.

What Demons Do to Believers

This week, we’re going to discover five principles that Abraham’s servant Eliezer exercised in finding the right mate for Abraham’s son Isaac. These principles can help you, your children, and your grandchildren not only to find a mate but also to know God’s will for any area of life.

Pathway To Victory
Po Box 223609
Dallas, TX 75222-3609