The Key to Growing in Christ

My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.

–John 15:8

God’s plan for you is to be continually built up in your Christian faith. Are you growing in your relationship with God, as He desires? If so, there’s going to be tangible evidence in your life. Think about a construction project. You don’t just take it on faith that a building is going up–you see the progress happening every day. In the same way, if you are growing in Christ, there’s going to be visible, measurable evidence. Take a moment to consider these questions:

  • Are you closer to God today than you were twelve months ago?
  • Do you know more of God’s Word today than you did twelve months ago?
  • How many people have entered into a relationship with God in the past twelve months because of your witness?
  • In the past twelve months, have you gained victory over any habits or attitudes that were displeasing to God?

If you are truly in Christ, there’s going to be progress in your spiritual life. So how do you grow in your relationship with God? You might be thinking, I know this already, Pastor. The way I grow as a Christian is by reading the Bible, praying, and going to church. Yes, those things are essential for getting the nutrients you need. But that’s not what Paul talked about in Colossians 2:6–7. He wrote, “As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith.”

Let me point out the relationship between the phrases in this passage so we can understand what Paul was saying. First, notice the words “rooted” and “received.” How are you rooted in your faith? By receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Second, notice the phrases “built up in Him and established” and “walk in Him.” Those phrases are related in the same way. You are rooted in the faith by receiving Christ, but you are built up and established in your faith by walking in Christ. That means obeying Christ.

Nothing will strengthen your spiritual muscles more than obeying God, and nothing will cause your spiritual muscles to atrophy more than disobeying God. The key to continually growing in your faith is to practice obedience to God.


Today’s devotion is adapted from “Walking in Christ” by Dr. Robert Jeffress, 2011.

Scripture quotations taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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