Absolute Truth Is Revealed and Exclusive

Your word is truth.
—John 17:17

As we continue our study of absolute truth, we find two more foundational principles.

First, absolute truth is revealed. Absolute truth is not created; it is not something that people or cultures come up with on their own. Instead, absolute truth is revealed to us by God. There are God-given values. And where do we find those values? The Bible is the depository of God’s absolute truth. In the Bible we find truths that we didn’t construct. These are truths that have been revealed to us by God.

And that leads us to another principle: absolute truth is exclusive. Why do we have such a hard time in our culture saying, “What I believe is right. What you believe is wrong”? Why do we find that so difficult? Some of you reading this are wincing at that idea of saying that somebody’s belief is wrong. You see, the problem is that we have confused diversity and pluralism. Diversity is simply acknowledging that there are a number of different opinions about a certain subject. We all acknowledge that there are many opinions, especially about religion. There are thousands of religions in the world. There are diversities of opinions about religion. But pluralism goes a step further. Pluralism says that because there is a diversity of opinions, no one viewpoint can claim to be right. And we as a country now embrace pluralism–the idea that no one belief system can claim to be right. But if there is absolute truth, then obviously there is absolute untruth.

All religions cannot be telling the truth about God. That’s impossible. For example, Christianity claims that the way to God is through trusting Christ as your Savior. It is by grace we receive through faith. On the other hand, Islam claims that the way to heaven is by working your way to heaven and doing enough good deeds to please Allah. Islam teaches something entirely different than what Christianity says. Philosophically, it’s possible that both Christianity and Islam could be wrong, but it is impossible that they are both right. They both cannot be right. If Islam is right, then Christianity is wrong. If Christianity is right, then Islam is wrong. Where there is absolute truth, there has to be absolute untruth.

If you are tired of a wimpy Christianity that waters down the essential truths of God’s Word, then it’s time for Christians to stand up and compassionately but convincingly say, “This is what we believe, and this is why we believe it.”

Today’s devotion is excerpted from “Wimp-Free Christianity” by Dr. Robert Jeffress, 2008.

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


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