Bible Prophecy Chart Survey

Satisfaction Survey

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Do you recall how long it took you to receive your Bible Prophecy Chart?(Required)

Did the Bible Prophecy Chart meet your expectations?(Required)

How did you request the Bible Prophecy Chart?(Required)

Did you receive an email from Dr. Jeffress with the subject line “I pray that Pathway to Victory is a blessing to you”?(Required)

Did you receive a complimentary copy of Pathway Magazine along with the brochure showing how to connect with Pathway to Victory?(Required)

Are you receiving Pathway to Victory’s Daily Devotionals in your inbox each weekday morning?(Required)

We’d like to know how you are connecting with Pathway to Victory – check all that apply:(Required)

Would you consider coming a financial supporter of Pathway to Victory?(Required)

Pathway To Victory
Po Box 223609
Dallas, TX 75222-3609