Wisdom and Encouragement from Dr. Robert Jeffress' new series!

Walking by Faith

A Study of the Life of Abraham

You can walk by faith in a faithfulness world … and Dr. Jeffress’ dynamic new book and series, Walking by Faith, will show you how.

  • Realize exactly what it means to live a life of faith
  • Discover the connection between faith, obedience, and righteousness
  • Grasp the value of tests in your life … and how your faith can thrive despite challenges!
  • Understand the important progression of disbelief to disobedience, despair, disaster, and ultimately to disgrace — and learn how to get back on track, just as Abraham did
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and request the book, Walking by Faith, the complete series on DVD video and MP3-format audio disc, and the engaging personal and group study guidebook.


Pathway To Victory
Po Box 223609
Dallas, TX 75222-3609