Outrageous joy

Living Above Your Circumstances

Someone has said, “Joy is the flag that flies over the castle of our hearts announcing that the King is in residence today.”

What is your source of joy? Is it tied to things that change — like circumstances, relationships, or finances? 

The Apostle Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:4 to “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” This kind of joy comes not from the world but from a deep trust in God’s promises.

For nearly four decades, I’ve helped thousands of people through heartbreak, loss, and uncertainty. One truth remains constant: God’s joy is available to us, even in the hardest seasons.

In Outrageous Joy: Living Above Your Circumstances, we dive into the book of Philippians to uncover how joy is not merely a feeling but a daily decision rooted in God’s unchanging Word. This book will help you:

  • Discover how to rejoice even in trials.
  • Replace anxiety with peace through God’s promises.
  • Learn the secret of contentment that Paul experienced.
Request your copy with our thanks for your generous gift to support the mission and ministry of Pathway to Victory today.


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and request the book, Outrageous Joy: Living Above Your Circumstances, plus the Scripture card,“Standing on the Promises of God.”

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and request the book, Outrageous Joy: Living Above Your Circumstances book, the “Standing on the Promises of God” Scripture card, and the teaching set, Living Above Your Circumstances: A Study Of Philippians on DVD video and MP3-format audio disc.


Pathway To Victory
Po Box 223609
Dallas, TX 75222-3609