Recognizing Your Red Sea Moment

We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
–Romans 8:28

God is always leading His people somewhere. God is leading the Church as a whole, and He is leading you as an individual.

Where is God leading us? Obviously, the ultimate end of our journey is Heaven, where we will live forever with God in glory. But God has much more in store for us than just getting us to Heaven. He also wants to guide us to know more of Him and become more molded into His image as we walk each day of our life with Him here on earth.

There are many ways that God is leading us along our life’s journey. Here are just a few of the things He is doing as He guides us each day:

  • He is leading us to be more loving toward those around us.
  • He is leading us to be more holy in our relationship with Him.
  • He is leading us to put His interests above our own.
  • He is leading us to learn to trust Him more.

Romans 8:28 tells us that God causes every event in our lives–the good, the bad, and the ugly–to work together for His purpose, which is to conform us to the image of Christ. God sometimes leads us into difficult situations as opportunities to shape us into His image.

The nation of Israel had been in a difficult situation for 430 years. For more than four centuries, they had been forced to endure agonizing hardship as slaves in Egypt. The Israelites had prayed and begged God for deliverance from their bondage, yet God had remained silent. But in God’s time, He was finally ready to deliver His people out of Egypt.

God sent nine plagues to try to change Pharaoh’s heart, but Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. Finally, God sent the 10th plague–the killing of all the firstborn in Egypt. After the death of his own firstborn son, Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Israelites leave Egypt. So they packed up their belongings and headed into the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. But God did not give them a divine GPS to map out their route before they began their journey. Instead, He guided them along each step of their journey in the form of a cloud by day and a fire by night.

Every day, the Israelites would look where that cloud was going and follow it. When the cloud moved, they moved. When it stopped, they stopped. They did not get to map out their own route; they had to follow the leading of God and trust Him to take them safely to the Promised Land. And we, too, have to follow God’s leading and trust Him to guide us each day.


Today’s devotion is excerpted from “Seizing Your Red Sea Moment” by Dr. Robert Jeffress, 2005.

Scripture quotations are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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