Jesus Is A Superior Object Of Worship

When He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says, “And let all the angels of God worship Him.”
–Hebrews 1:6

Not only does Jesus possess a superior name to the angels, but He also is a superior object of worship. We see this in Hebrews 1:6: “When He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says, ‘And let all the angels of God worship Him.’”

Jesus never worships the angels, but the angels worship Jesus. There is a severe warning to us today–we are not to pray to or worship angels. We are never to call on angels to help us in our time of need; in fact, we are forbidden from doing so. Remember the experience of the Apostle John when he was on the Isle of Patmos? Angelic messengers revealed to John what was to come in the future, and at one point he was so overcome that he fell down to worship an angel. But the angel rebuked John and said, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God” (Revelation 19:10).

We are never to worship or even call upon the name of the angels. In fact, the only one in the Bible who ever encouraged another person to seek help from an angel was Satan himself. Satan tempted the Lord Jesus in Matthew 4:6 to call upon the angels to protect Him. Why are we not to call upon the angels? Because Jesus is a superior object of worship. That is why we need to be so careful of all of this media attention on angels. I think Satan is using the fascination with angels right now in our culture to distract people from worshipping the one true God.

Satan is so crafty; he is so subtle. If he cannot cause us to deny God, then he will cause us to shift our attention from the worship of God to the worship of angels. One of Satan’s favorite tactics is to cause people to start worshipping God’s creation rather than the God of creation.


Today’s devotion is excerpted from “The Angels And You” by Dr. Robert Jeffress, 2018.

Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

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