He has also set eternity in their heart.
—Ecclesiastes 3:11
Today we continue our examination of four powerful evidences for the existence of God. The anthropological argument is based on the presence of human beings (“anthropos” means “human”) on the earth. Consider several unique aspects of human beings.
The atheist argues that all life forms are the result of mutations that occurred gradually over billions of years, beginning with a single-celled organism. But how did that single-celled organism come into existence? The atheist says chemicals such as ammonia, methane, and hydrogen were energized by lightning, resulting in amino acids. Those amino acids randomly assembled to produce protein molecules that eventually resulted in a one-celled creature. Given a cell’s complexity, the probability of a cell assembling by chance is extremely remote.
How does the evolutionist explain a single-celled creature evolving into a fully functioning human being with such intricately designed mechanisms as the eyeball or brain? His answer is that given enough time, simple life forms will evolve through slight changes into complex life forms. That is like saying, “Given enough time the car sitting in my garage will evolve into a luxury ocean liner.”
Even if the evolutionary theory answered the question of human existence, how do we explain human consciousness? Why are we aware of our existence? The evolutionist answers that consciousness is the result of evolutionary development. Given enough time, there will be enough slight mutations until an organism develops an awareness of its existence.
Beyond our consciousness, human beings have an awareness of the supernatural. Since the beginning of mankind, humans in all cultures have demonstrated the desire to worship a deity. Some evolutionists explain such desires as part of the evolutionary process. However, the basis of evolution is survival of the fittest, which means that a desire for God could be attributed to evolutionary development only if such a desire promoted the survival of the species. While there are positive benefits to those who believe in God, many times those who believe in God act in a way that is contrary to their self-interest. Think about martyrs throughout history who sacrificed their lives because of their belief in God. This contradicts the survival of the fittest.
A better explanation for man’s awareness of God is that such awareness is rooted in reality.
Today’s devotion is excerpted from “How Can I Know There Is a God?” by Dr. Robert Jeffress, 2012.
Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.